
政策,语句 & 免责声明

All opinions expressed by individuals purporting to be a current or former student, 教师, or staff member of this institution, on websites not affiliated with Wytheville Community College, 社交媒体渠道, blogs or other online or traditional publications, 仅仅是他们的观点,并不一定反映博彩平台网址大全的观点或价值观, the Virginia Community College System, or the State Board for Community Colleges, which do not endorse and are not responsible or liable for any such content.

Non-Discrimination Statement

Wytheville Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, 性, color, 国家的起源, 宗教, 性取向, 性别认同, 年龄, 政治面貌, 遗传学, 资深地位, 或在其他方面符合其教育计划、活动或就业资格的残疾. 以下人员已被指定处理有关非歧视政策的咨询:Malinda Eversole, Director of Human 资源, 卡罗尔大厅105号, 东主街1000号, 弗吉尼亚州威斯维尔24382, 276-223-4869. For further information, see the list of OCR执法办事处 有关您所在地区办事处的地址和电话号码,或拨打1-800-421-3481.


Wytheville Community College provides its website, 目录, 手册, and any other printed materials or electronic media for your general guidance. The college does not guarantee that the information contained within them, 包括, 但不限于, the contents of any p年龄 that reside under the DNS registrations of http://www.wcc.hzjly.net (包括 the associated WCC social media sites on 脸谱网, 推特YouTube, Instagram, or LinkedIn)是最新的, 完整准确, 在未核实其他可靠来源的情况下,个人自行承担依赖此类信息的任何风险, such as a student's academic advisor. 除了, 学生或未来学生对这些资源中包含的信息的依赖, or individual program 目录s or 手册, when making academic decisions does not constitute, and should not be construed as, a contract with the college. 进一步, 学院保留对这些资源中的任何条款或要求进行更改的权利, as well as changes to any curriculum or program, whether during a student's enrollment or otherwise. 在上述参考来源中提供的其他材料和网站的链接或参考也仅供参考,并不构成学院对所引用的产品或服务的认可.


博彩平台网址大全遵守1974年的家庭教育权利和隐私法案(FERPA), 哪一项联邦法律是为了保护学生的隐私和他们的教育记录而颁布的.  立法的目的是保护学生的权利,确保“教育信息”的隐私和准确性.教育资料是指教育机构保存的任何记录, 包括文件, 文档, and materials of any type which contain information directly related to students, and which allows a student to be identified. More information about record privacy and FERPA.


FERPA Consent to Release Educational Records

Request for Non-disclosure of directory information



It is the policy of the Commonwealth of Virginia that personal information about citizens will be collected only to the extent necessary to provide the service or benefit desired; that only appropriate information will be collected; that the citizen shall understand the reason the information is collected and be able to examine any personal record maintained by a public body. 这个网站:

  • 收集信息, 包括电子邮件地址, only when additional information about WCC, 它的课程, 或程序, 请求. 此信息仅用于提供所博彩平台网址大全或服务,不与其他组织共享或以任何其他方式使用.
  • 仅在允许注册程序或请求有关程序或课程的附加信息的特定应用程序中使用临时“cookie”. 这些临时饼干, designed to enhance the user’s experience, 会在您退出网站时自动删除,并且不会留在您的计算机上吗.
  • IP地址, 页面浏览, 阁下的访问日期及时间只作内部统计用途.
  • The WCC web site links to external web sites, which are governed by their own policies and procedures, and may link to external sites that are not controlled by the policies of WCC.

Virginia Freedom of Information Act – Rights and Responsibilities


The Virginia Freedom of Information Act (《大陆博彩平台》), located § 2.2-3700 et. seq. 弗吉尼亚法典, 保障联邦公民和媒体代表能够查阅公共机构持有的公共记录, 政府官员, 以及公务员.

公共记录是任何文字或记录——不管它是否是纸质记录, 电子文件, an audio or video recording, or any other format — that is prepared or owned by, or in the possession of a public body or its officers, employees or 年龄nts in the transaction of public business. All public records are presumed to be open, and may only be withheld if a specific, statutory exemption applies.

《大陆博彩平台》的政策指出,《大陆博彩平台》的目的是提高所有人对政府活动的认识. 推进这一政策, 《大陆博彩平台》 requires that the law be interpreted liberally, 支持访问, 任何允许保留公共记录的豁免都必须被狭义地解释.



If you believe that your 《大陆博彩平台》 rights have been violated, 你可以向地区法院或巡回法院提交请愿书,要求遵守《大陆博彩平台》.

Making a request for records from Wytheville Community College

  • You may request records by U.S. Mail, fax, e-mail, in person, or over the phone. 《大陆博彩平台》 does not require that your request be in writing, nor do you need to specifically state that you are requesting records under 《大陆博彩平台》. From a practical perspective, 把你的请求写成书面形式,对你和收到你请求的人都有帮助. This allows you to create a record of your request. It also gives us a clear statement of what records you are requesting, so that there is no misunderstanding over a verbal request. 但是,如果您选择不以书面形式提出,我们不能拒绝回应您的《大陆博彩平台》请求.
  • Your request must identify the records you are seeking with “reasonable specificity.” This is a common-sense standard. It does not refer to or limit the volume or number of records that you are requesting; instead, 它要求你足够具体,以便我们能够识别和定位你正在寻找的记录.
  • Your request must ask for existing records or 文档. 《大陆博彩平台》 gives you a right to inspect or copy records; it does not apply to a situation where you are asking general questions about the work of WCC, nor does it require WCC to create a record that does not exist.
  • 您可以选择接收WCC在正常业务过程中使用的任何格式的电子记录. 例如, if you are requesting records maintained in an Excel database, you may elect to receive those records electronically, via e-mail or on a computer disk, or to receive a printed copy of those records
  • If we have questions about your request, 请配合工作人员的努力,澄清您正在寻找的记录类型, or to attempt to reach a reasonable agreement about a response to a large request. Making a 《大陆博彩平台》 request is not an adversarial process, 但我们可能需要与您讨论您的请求,以确保我们了解您正在寻找的记录.

WCC must respond to your request within five working days of receiving it.  “Day One” is considered the day after your request is received. The five-day period does not include weekends or holidays.

The public records the WCC maintains include, but are not limited to personnel records, 学习记录, 合同, and records related to academic programs. 《博彩平台网址大全》允许任何公共机构不向公众披露某些记录. WCC routinely withholds records subject to the following exemptions:

  1. 人事档案(Va). 法典第2条.2-3705.1(1)).
  2. 学业成绩(Va. 法典第2条.2-3705.4(1)).
  3. Records subject to attorney-client privilege (Va. 法典第2条.2-3705.1(2)) or attorney work product (Va. 法典第2条.2-3705.1(3)).
  4. 在授予合同之前,与合同谈判和授予有关的记录. 法典第2条.2-3705.1(12)).

WCC将援引人事和学业记录豁免来保护其员工和学生的隐私.  WCC将援引合同谈判豁免条款,以保护WCC的议价地位和谈判策略.

博彩平台网址大全(WCC)索取记录或询问有关索取记录的问题, 您可以联系:

Malinda Eversole, Director of Human 资源

(276) 223-4869 -电话
(800) 468-1195分机. 4762 (toll free outside Wythe County)
(276) 223-4801 -传真
